Math Sine and cosine function General form

General form

If we summarize the equations of stretching and shifting, the functions $y=\sin(x)$ and $y=\cos(x)$ have the following generalized equation:



  • $\color{red}{a}$ stretches / compresses the graph parallel to the y-axis (amplitude change).
  • $\color{blue}{b}$ stretches / compresses the graph parallel to the x-axis (period change).
  • $\color{green}{c}$ shifts the graph in the x direction.
  • $\color{grey}{d}$ shifts the graph in the y direction.

Often you find the sine and cosine function also with the function equation:



With the second function term, it is not always possible to read off the displacement in the x-direction. It is therefore advisable to exclude the factor $b$ in order to obtain the first spelling.