Math Curve sketching Inflection point

Inflection point

At an inflection point, the function graph changes its curvature behavior.



Necessary criterion

The prerequisite for the presence of inflection points is that the second derivative has a zero at this point:

Sufficient criterion

An inflection point exists if in addition:
Inflection point


  1. Find derivatives
  2. Calculate zero(s) of the second derivative
  3. Insert zero(s) in the third derivative
  4. Indicate inflection point(s)


Find the inflection points of the function $f(x)=x^3+2x^2-4x-8$.

  1. Find derivatives

    $f'(x)=3x^2+4x-4$ (the first derivative is not needed)
  2. Calculate zeros of the second derivative

    $x_W\Leftrightarrow f''(x_W)=0$

  3. Insert zeros into the third derivative

    We use the places just identified in the third derivation.

    => There is an inflection point at this position $x=-\frac23$

    Note: We use the places just identified in the third derivation.
  4. Specify inflection points

    Inflection points should be specified: Therefore, calculate the y-coordinate with the original function.

    $f(-\frac23)$ $=(-\frac23)^3+2\cdot(-\frac23)^2-4\cdot(-\frac23)-8$ $=-4.74$
    => Inflection point: $W(-\frac23|-4.74)$